TORRAIN Recycled Bags in the Big Apple

TORRAIN Recycled Bags in the Big Apple

The NYIGF (New York International Gift Fair) in New York City draws attendees from all across the US and from over 80 countries, and showcases only the top lines of home, lifestyle, and gift products. So when Torrain was accepted into the January 2012 show, we were extremely pumped to showcase our goods alongside the other 2,800 lines.

Showing at NYIGF was our first East Coast show and once again, was a huge success! Not only is Torrain available almost every state now, Turf Defenders also reach as far as Finland! Top internet retailers are also starting to take notice- truly an amazing feat for a company launched a little over 18 months ago.

Did you miss us at the show? No worries, we will be sure to keep everyone posted on our upcoming schedule. In the meantime,

Defend Your Turf!


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